I am a machine learning engineer/researcher interested in applying artificial intelligence
to sustainable projects. Previously, I have worked in fintech as well as in the energy space and hope to continue working on projects
that directly impacts the needs of the average human.
In my current research, I seeks to understand the temporal and spatial relationship between other infrastructural growth and electricity
demand as studied from the sky (i.e. remote sensing, geospatial imaging, nighttime lights, ML).
I am skilled in various programming languages, building ML models from scratch and
with existing libraries, MLOps and foundational software engineering
Concentration: Applied Machine Learning
Python, Java, C/C++, SQL
NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Seaborn, Scipy, StatsModel, Tableau, Metabase, SQL, A/B Testing, MS EXCEL, Google Data Studio
Sci-Kit Learn, Pytorch, Tensorflow, Tensorflow Data Validation, Hugging face, Flask
PostgreSQL, MySQL, AWS, Git, Docker, Linux, DevOps
SimaPro, QGIS, ArcGIS, Google Earth Engine, Envi
• Working with Dr. Nathan Williams on electrification problems in Sub-Saharan Africa. Current Project in Nigeria, to estimate the latent demand for electricity in the region
• Came up with proprietary ML algorithms for flow detection on home heaters with potential to save the company over 40% installation cost on every HotBot installed in the homes of customers
• Worked with the operations team to provide insight from the data produced by all departments and foster growth in the company
• Maintained and updated back-end queries to constantly meet business needs in terms of the data pulled out
• Created over 90% of the data engineering processes as well as the various reporting and visualizations used by the various departments in the daily running of the company
• Utilized Machine learning to build a yield prediction algorithm for mini-grid connections in rural Africa
• Evaluated the possibility of data-backed refinancing for mini-grid connections by combining clustering, and classification algorithms
• Worked extensively with geospatial data to understand how development affects electricity access and consumption in rural villages.
• Conducted statistical and data analysis with captured data and provide business intelligence to aid decision processes for the Operations, Marketing and Tech departments.
• Achieved 2,650% increase in active savers within 3-months from launch by pioneering data-driven initiatives on customer acquisition and retention.
• Built tools from ground-up that provided 100% visibility into KPIs across the entire company.
• Deployed GPS trackers and Maintenance Information Systems on over 200 oilfield assets (covering about 60% of the project, within a month) for better asset and maintenance management as part of the Global Traceability Project
• Maintained and certified pressure control equipment such as treating lines and valves to provide up to 99.99% availability on the field
• Conducted routine maintenance on oilfield equipment, i.e., pumps, engines, mixers, etc. that ensured downtime was near 0 hours.